BeadFest 2018 and a Full Heart
Well, another BeadFest is in the books! It is always a whirlwind of preparations and endless bead making, that culminates in the coming together of friends from all over the country / world and the connection with the customers whom make it possible for me to do this for a living.
I always come home exhausted, happy and with a full heart and this year was no different. It has been a tough, emotional year here for us and spending time with these friends filled my heart in way that I am not sure I can put into words. The beady friends I see once or twice a year are really special people and I adore them and our time together.
I love doing shows. I mean, I say that when they are done, don't ask me if I love it when I am working 24 /7 to create enough inventory, or when I am setting up and sweating with a sore back. But ask me after the show, and I will almost always say that i love shows. I love meeting my customers in person. I love seeing them inspired by the beads I make and it truely fills me warmth to know that something I created can inspired them to go forth and be creative as well. I like knowing I am a part of a collaboration with them in their artistic adventures. I enjoy giving tips and tricks for using beads and components, and sharing good jewelry making advice. When you spend most of your time in a studio in your home, the connections you make with people in person are so valued.
A gigantic THANK YOU to all my customers, those I got to see in person and those who could not make it out this year, thank you thank you thank you. I am so blessed to be able to do what I love. Thank you for your support, thank you for your kind words, your fun stories, and your creative souls.
Here are some pictures of those wild, fun, huge hearted people whom I look forward to spending time with each year..................enjoy!
When I am not in my booth it is usually being carefully tended by Amanda of Brassy Peacock Designs. She is just amazing at as a jewelry artist, and as a booth helper (she is so organized!)

This year, she made me a gift and it means the world to me. She stamped me this bracelet with the quote "I am the Storm" on it.

It is based on this quote

I tear up a bit everytime I look at it. Like I have shared, this year has been a rough one, and so, this reminder means the world to me. Thank you Amanda! Not sure if you really know how much that touched me!
Here are some pictures of my booth- with the beads and jewelry I have been working on.

I also had a visit from Richard Salley, who is an amazing jewelry artist and teacher. It was a wonderful reminder for me that I need to continue to grow my jewelry skills and push my limits, and also, do more teaching. He is an inspiration - Thanks for stopping by Richard!

So now I am home and my heart is full. I have snuggled kids, been mauled with love from 3 dogs and spent time chatting with the parrot. Today I have to deal with all the bounty of our garden that happend while I was making beads and away. Tomato sauce and pickles are on the menu!
Thank you again to my customers, and bead family for the love and fun! beafest